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Over the past several years, it’s become increasingly clear how important it is to have a fresh perspective on the geopolitical events of the day…along with specific advice on how those events will affect the stock market.
One such investment advisor has been leading a small, but profitable group of investors to some extraordinary profits in both good markets in bad over the course of a 25+year investment career.
His name is Dennis Slothower, and readers of his monthly advisory service, Stealth Stocks, have been able to pocket some remarkable gains since its inception in December 2001.
Just how have Dennis and his readers been able to realize such extraordinary profits - in both good markets and bad - on a consistent basis?
The answer lies in the methodology Dennis uses every single day. Dennis’ “Stealth Stocks” system is designed to identify those companies that make money…and whose stock is about to move dramatically upward. To start a RISK-FREE subscription Click Here.
But perhaps even more importantly, Dennis also is an absolute master at taking into account how world news - the true “market-moving events” - will impact each and every investment in his trading portfolio. No one else does this any better than Dennis Slothower…and Dennis has been doing it for years.
And now -Dennis shows you how to profit from significant events all over the world.
But that’s just the beginning, really. Because the strength of Dennis Slothower - as his subscribers will tell you - is his ability to stay ahead of the “big event.”
For example…
• Dennis was one of the first investment advisors to warn about the coming effect of higher oil prices on the stock market and how OPEC declared “war” on the US economy…all the way back in the fall of 2002!
“ I want you to appreciate how much the price of crude oil has been strangling our economy over the past year and how OPEC is once again playing havoc with fragile world economies”. - - (Stealth Stocks Newsletter, October 2002). Trading crude oil and other commodities yields higher profits. Check out the öl profit app, which is an online trading system that allows you to trade oil and cryptocurrency automatically.
• Dennis also called the bear market bottom within 10 days back in that same month! The Dow Jones hit an intra day low of 7181.47 - while the NASDAQ bottomed out at 1108.49. Dennis saw that both of these indices were bottoming out and positioned his readers for an explosive move up!
