Dennis Slothower used to be known simply as one of the world’s leading technical analysts.
But now he’s known as the man who carefully steered investors away from danger time and time again.
· He’s one of the few advisors whose readers completely avoided ALL losses during the disaster that was 2008…
· He was right on the money in predicting huge losses in the equity markets in January, February and May of this year…
· And right now…he’s issuing another dire warning.
His research has revealed widespread market manipulation over the last several months.
But - for reasons Dennis will reveal - neither Wall Street’s largest brokerage firms nor the federal government can prop this market up any longer.
The simple truth is: this artificially inflated market is about to come crashing down…and that means thousands of investors are about to get clobbered.
This correction could begin within a matter of days - so it’s important that you take action now to prepare yourself.
Click on the link below for immediate access to Dennis Slothower’s latest report, which will explain - in plain English - the simple steps Dennis recommends you take within the next 30 days in order to avoid the coming financial disaster.
This FREE special report will also reveal the hidden bull market that Wall Street won’t talk about - including 3 stocks you can safely invest in right now.