One of the world’s Top 5 Investment Advisors is set to unveil his most important special report in over ten years:Learn the remarkable details about how YOU could turn a $10,000 investment into $20,000…$30,000 - or more! - by buying shares of a company with no employees…no operations…not even a single cash register!Find out how YOU can get the "inside story" behind one of the most lucrative investment opportunities that no one has ever heard of!Before today is over, YOU could have everything you need to know to invest…all FREE of charge and without obligation!Dear Investor, Brace yourself: I’m about to tell you the story behind a remarkable investment opportunity that - in addition to being one of the most interesting investment stories you’ll ever read about - will have you on the phone to your broker before the end of the day. In fact, this company - one I can virtually guarantee you that you’ve never heard of before - has already brought home short-term gains of over 39% for one of the world’s Top Five investment advisors and his readers. The reason that you’ve never heard of this stock is simple: it’s not sexy enough. This company doesn’t have a new "wonder-chip" or "miracle drug"…and it’s not on the verge of breaking through into any lucrative new markets. Simply put, it’s just not the type of stock that people like to talk about at cocktail parties. But they should. That’s because this company does one thing and one thing only: put money in the hands of its shareholders. Literally.
In fact, at the moment, they’re doing that to the tune of a 10% dividend. Go ahead and compare that figure to the highest yielding money market or CD out there and you’ll see just how spectacular this opportunity is. But that’s just the yield - we haven’t even talked about the fact that shares of this stock have already jumped up more than 39% since May 2004. And that’s just the beginning. Shares that are currently trading in the high $20 range should easily be in the high $40s to low $50s within the next year. That means - in addition to that especially attractive 10% dividend - you could turn a $5,000 investment into well over $15,000. A $10,000 investment would be worth as much as $30,000. And a $25,000 investment would bring home more than $75,000. All within a fairly short period of time. Just what makes this opportunity so great? Well, all of the details - including how you can invest in this relative unknown right away - are spelled out in the pages of a new research report that I’d like to send you today…FREE of charge and without obligation. The report was written by one of the world’s most successful investment advisors. A man with a unique ability to spot unheard of investment opportunities and bring them to his readers for double and triple-digit gains. In just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can get your hands on this FREE report - which spells out the details of not just this opportunity but also two others that are also poised for huge gains. But first, let me tell you more about this little-known gem paying a 10% dividend. Triple-digit profits from the fastest growing primary energy source in the world!The story behind this outstanding investment opportunity is actually quite simple. This company has just one asset - a royalty interest, to be more specific. They leave all the "heavy lifting" and "dirty work" associated with their asset to others who are more experienced with the work. Again - there are no employees. No sales. Not a single cash register. This company simply collects income - royalties - on a regular basis…and then pays that money back out to its shareholders. They’ve been around for nearly seven years and, as I mentioned earlier, they’re currently paying a dividend of 10% to their shareholders. Monthly payouts to shareholders can vary slightly - primarily due to the price of the asset this company controls. But - and here’s more good news - this asset just happens to be the fastest growing primary energy source in the world! Prices for this asset are at historically high levels…and that growth is expected to continue well into the next decade. Shares of this little-known company - again, a stock not "sexy enough" for most cocktail parties - figure to trade in the high $40 to low $50 range within the next 12 months. With current prices in the high $20s, there is still plenty of room for growth. This stock has already gone up more than 39% since one of the world’s Top Five investment advisors recommended it a few months ago. But now he’s even more convinced than ever that this stock is poised to double. And what’s more, he’s willing to tell you exactly why - and how you can invest - FREE of charge! Just who is this unknown investment advisor…and what makes him different from all the rest? Please read on… This investment genius - consistently ranked as one of the world’s Top Five investment advisors - has done it again!For the past quarter century, one investment advisor has helped lead investors to "routine" profits of 50%, 60%, 100%…even 200%. All with holding times of just three to 12 months. And now - just within the past week - this remarkably successful investment "genius" has put the finishing touches on a powerful new special report that promises to be the most important of its kind within the past ten years. It’s called "Gangbusters: Three Little-Known Stocks Set to Soar". And I’m writing you today to tell you how you can get your copy - right now - FREE of charge and with no obligation. This FREE report spells out all the details of three unique - and potentially explosive - investment opportunities you’ve never heard of, including the blockbuster stock I described earlier. And I’d like to send this report to you today. You’ll get specific, step-by-step instructions that will show you just how easy it is to act on these extraordinary recommendations…and best of all, you can take action on the remarkable stock I described above right away! You’ll get everything you need to take action immediately. And you can do so with absolutely no obligation. In just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can get on board. But first, I need to tell you why… The Next 12 Months Will Be Vitally Important to Your Financial FutureLike it or not, the next 12 months could be one of the most volatile times in recent memory for the individual investor. Between skyrocketing oil prices…rising interest rates…constant threats of new terrorist activity… and the fact that no matter who takes office in 2005, the U.S. will be forced to swallow some very difficult economic "pills"…all the pieces are in place for the average investor to get clobbered. But the truth is, it’s actually very easy for you to protect yourself from the dangerous times that lie ahead. Not only that, enormous profit opportunities - like the potential double I mentioned earlier - are out there for those investors who are willing to look beyond the "story stocks" that grab all the headlines and attention of the mainstream media. As a matter of fact, one investment advisor - someone you’ve most likely never heard of - has been leading a small, but profitable group of investors to some extraordinary profits in both good markets and bad over the course of a 25+ year investment career. His name is Dennis Slothower, and readers of his advisory service - Stealth Stocks - have been able to pocket some remarkable gains since its inception in December 2001, such as…
• February 2003, Endo Pharmaceutical (ENDP) - a +117% profit!
Just how have Dennis and his readers been able to realize such extraordinary profits - in both good markets and bad - on a consistent basis? The answer lies in the methodology Dennis uses every single day. Dennis’ "Stealth Stocks" system is designed to identify those companies that make money…and whose stock is about to move dramatically upward…just like the potential triple-digit opportunity I told you about earlier in this letter! Extraordinary profits…all while significantly lowering your risk!Dennis Slothower and his research staff use a rigorous process to screen over 8,000 publicly traded companies each month in search of the best stealth stocks…and each month they continue to rake in the profits. And in the process, Dennis and his team actually lower your risk at the same time. Now, I know what you’re saying: "But wait, I’ve always heard that reward is proportional to risk. So how can Dennis deliver such impressive returns while at the same time lowering my risk?" The answer is simple: Dennis’ unique ability - along with his own proprietary indicators - helped him identify those stocks his readers should invest in. What’s more, they also tell us exactly when to buy…at what price…how long to hold…and, most importantly, when to sell. The result? You actually make real, tangible profits. Cash on the barrel. Not just the temporary "paper profits" that give average investors the delusion they’re really rich when, in fact, they’re not. The companies that Dennis has identified in the FREE special report - "Gangbusters: Three Little-Known Stocks Set to Soar" - are the "best of the best" from Dennis’ time-tested system. Before today is over you can jump in on these extraordinary opportunities…produced by one of the most successful stock selection systems of its kind anywhere in the world! Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks selections frequently return profits of 50%, 80%, even 110% or more with average holding periods of six to 12 months…or less. The well-known - and fiercely independent - rating service, Hulbert Financial Digest, consistently ranks Dennis as one of America’s top five investment advisors. And with good reason. Take a look at just a few of the winners Dennis’ subscribers have cashed in on within the past 18 months: • Synovis Life Technology (SYNO) - a +220% profit…in just over 18 months! • Select Comfort Corp (SCSS) - gains of +169% since April 2003! • Immucor, Inc. (BLUD) - one of our biggest winners from 2002…a +330.5% gain! • Rofin-Sinar Technologies (RSTI) - +120% profits…in just 16 months! • Novastar Financial (NFI) - +320.9% gains since the beginning of 2002! But that’s not all. Three of our most recent recommendations - all made since the beginning of 2004 - have already given investors gains of better than 40%, including… • Edge Petroleum Corp. (EPEX), a GAIN of 40.99% since January… • Bluegreen Corporation (BXG), a GAIN of 40.68% since February… • UICI (UCI), a GAIN of 68.21% since May… • …and US Oncology, Inc. (USON), a GAIN of 40.43% since January… The list truly does go on and on. But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what readers of Stealth Stocks have had to say about the success they’ve enjoyed with Dennis Slothower:
The key advantage of Stealth Stocks: Getting in Before the "Experts"In each issue of Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks…and in your free report, Gangbusters: Three Little-Known Stocks Set to Soar …you’ll receive the "best of the best" - those companies that have the potential to produce the kinds of gains mentioned above.
By locating - and establishing positions in - these extraordinary stocks before other investors have even heard of these companies…well, you’ll have a significant advantage over the masses. With Stealth Stocks, you’ll have the chance to make huge profits before the experts ever see it coming! And Dennis does it all by looking for: …stocks poised to generate enormous profits within a short period of time - ideally, stocks that carry the potential to double - even triple - in 12 months or less… …stocks that fly right under Wall Street’s radar… …stocks completely ignored by big brokerage houses because they lack a household name… …stocks whose skyrocketing prices can’t be stopped - regardless of whether we’re in a bull or a bear market… These are the "stealth stocks" - undervalued companies with strong fundamentals, given scant attention by Wall Street and unknown to most brokers. How You Can Receive Immediate Access to This Breakthrough Report - and Get Over $300 in Added Bonuses - FREE Of ChargeThis new special report - highlighting the outstanding opportunity I described earlier…plus two others! - is the type of research report that would normally sell for no less than $99. But, again, this information is so time-sensitive - and so important to your financial well-being over the next few months - that I have decided to give it away FREE of charge. To receive immediate this powerful new report today, you simply need to sign up for a No-Risk trial subscription to Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks newsletter. You’ll receive your first 30 days of Stealth Stocks - a monthly newsletter that normally sells for $198 per year - absolutely FREE. You’ll receive immediate access to your FREE report, Gangbusters: Three Little-Known Stocks Set to Soar, and you’ll also have instant online access to all the features of the Stealth Stock web site, including our weekly updates and our entire list of open recommendations. But that’s not all. If you respond to this special offer today, you’ll also receive two additional research reports reserved exclusively for Stealth Stocks subscribers. The first report - Sleep Easy With Stealth Stocks - provides a detailed explanation of Dennis Slothower’s stock-picking system. You’ll learn what indicators and measurements Dennis considers most important, as well as how he calculates Inherent Value, Stability and Relative Performance. The second report is called The Intelligent Use of Stops and it helps you understand - in plain English - the secret to protecting the huge profits you can make with Stealth Stocks by putting stop orders to work for you in a way that very few investors really understand. Each of these reports is also valued at $99 and will be made available to you immediately once you sign up for a FREE, 30-day trial subscription to Stealth Stocks. You’ll receive a total of three FREE research reports - a $297 value - plus a FREE month of Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks newsletter…all for simply taking advantage of this risk-free trial offer. Why would I give away well over $300 in value - with no obligation required in return? The answer is simple. I am supremely confident that the information in this new report, Gangbusters: Three Little-Known Stocks Set to Soar, will help you make huge profits that I want to get you this report right away. If you happen to make money from the advice in this report - and from the advice in the two additional reports you’ll receive, plus your FREE month of Stealth Stocks - then I’m confident you’ll want to continue your Stealth Stocks subscription for the long haul. (At a new subscriber discount of 50% off the regular price, of course.) But there is one catch. The profit opportunities Dennis has identified in this new report are already beginning to take shape. The wheels are in motion for double - and triple - digit profits over the next few months…starting right now! So I urge you to act today. Sign up for this no-risk offer and receive immediate access to information that could literally change your life - in a significant, profitable way - in the weeks and months ahead. To take advantage of this special, risk-free offer and receive over $300 in value with no obligation, simply click here now! Sincerely,
Charles Mizrahi P.S. As I said earlier, the company I described for you in this letter - which you’ll learn all about in your FREE report - has already gone up over 39% in the past three months. Click on the link below to see for yourself just what kind of potential lies ahead…and how you can get in on all three of these double or triple-digit winners long before anyone else has even heard of these stocks!
Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks is published by Eastman Communications, Inc. As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice. Only a registered broker or investment advisor may advise you individually on the suitability and performance of your portfolio or specific investments. In making any investment decision, you will rely solely on your own review and examination of the facts and the records relating to such investments. Past performance of our recommendations is not an indication of future performance. The publisher shall have no liability of whatever nature in respect of any claim, damages, loss or expense arising out of or in connection with the reliance by you on the contents of our Web site, any promotion, published material, alert or update. The editor, publisher, and directors of Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks flatly promise no front-running. We will not initiate a position in any stock we have recommended for 10 business days before our original recommendation and 10 business days after any subsequent recommendation. Anyone who does is fired immediately. We love the securities we recommend and we can not wait to invest in them ourselves but YOU ALWAYS COME FIRST. All profit examples are hypothetical, assuming that subscribers bought and sold at the time the recommendations were issued. Actual results can and do vary based on day of execution and commission charges. There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past results are not indicative of future returns. Eastman Communications, Inc. and all individuals affiliated with Eastman Communications, Inc. assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results. Money-back guarantees, and refunds. Monthly subscribers will not be given pro-rated refunds. Regular-priced one-year and two-year subscriptions offer limited money-back guarantees. These guarantee periods are not provided in addition to a free trial period. If you are given a 30-day money back guarantee, for example, and have signed up for a 30-day free trial, the guarantee is good only for 30 days — NOT 60 days. We do not give pro-rated refunds after the applicable guarantee has expired. If you have already participated in a free trial for any term within this service, you are ineligible to receive an additional free trial. Our records will verify that you have already received a free trial, and your credit card will be billed immediately and automatically. Some very discounted offers are non-refundable. Please read the promotion carefully. If you need assistance with customer service, such as questions regarding your subscription or need to change your address, simply send an e-mail to: [email protected] There's no assurance the past performance of these, or any other recommendations in the newsletter, will be repeated in the future. Information on this Web site and in this publication is based on information and research believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Eastman Communications, Inc., its editors, and its writers cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions. ©2004, Stealth Stocks - Eastman Communications, Inc.