When the stock market was bleeding many investors dry, my followers earned gains of 34.7% ... 94.3% ... 126.9% … 182.8% ... (and more)…

“Imagine What They’ll Do When The Market Heads Higher!!”

And now you have a limited opportunity to pocket profits like these… profits of 40% … 70% … or a lot more … with my FREE report, “5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode!”.

Dear Investor:

I want to give you a FREE copy of a valuable stock market report.

It’s called 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode. And it tells you about five overlooked stocks with the potential to earn investors — and maybe you — returns of 50%...100%...even 200% or more over the next year or so, with a high degree of safety.

One of these stocks gives you ownership of a red-hot educational services company that offers college courses on the Internet. This company is the world’s largest regularly accredited private universities…with almost 160,000 students. But what’s really great is that this company’s on-line enrollment grew by 70% last year…and is likely to continue growing at a whopping rate in the next year or more. Meanwhile, its revenues and earnings have also soared…and should continue soaring.

And that would mean big gains for investors who buy in early and then hang on to their hats for a skyrocket ride.

Details about this stock — and the others I figure are ready to take off — are in my valuable report, 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode.

And this report is yours — FREE OF CHARGE — just for taking my stock advisory newsletter for a “trial run” — with no risk at all to you! To take advantage of this special FREE offer now, click here...

Turn $25,000 into $48,500 in 10 months…or $10,000 into $29,300 in a little more than a year!

My name is Dennis Slothower. I’m a veteran financial analyst, a successful investor in my own right, and the editor of the Stealth Stock newsletter. For the last 20 years, I’ve been recommending overlooked and undervalued stocks to my clients and readers. And, to tell you the truth, I’ve been pretty successful.

How successful?

Well, according to the Hulbert Financial Digest, my recommendations outperformed the NASDAQ 100 by more than 300% from the end of 1994 through the end of 2002

And then there are these recent recommendations…

A little over a year ago, I recommended shares of Fidelity National Information Systems (FNIS) to my readers. At that time, shares of this provider of services to real estate lenders were trading at $13.50. Since then, though, those shares have shot up to about $26.25, for a gain of 94.2%!

At about the same time, I recommended shares of New Century Financial (NCEN), then trading at $16.92. In the last year, these shares have soared to the $46.80 level — for a gain of 175.3%!

In early 2002, I tipped my readers to the shares of Immucor (BLUD), the provider of supplies to hospitals, blood banks, clinical labs and other users. At that time, Immucor’s shares were trading at less than $8. Today, though, those shares are trading for almost $23. That’s a gain of 193.6% in just 15 months!

In July of last year, I told my readers about j2 Global Communications, Inc., a provider of message and communications services to individuals and businesses around the world. At that time, the shares of this “stealth” stock were trading at just $16.29. Since then, readers who took my advice and bought these shares posted profits of 126.7%... as j2 Global shot up to trade at the $37 level!

"A good friend of mine lost $3 million by staying in the market when you suggested getting out. I made 20% that year and have told everyone I know that I owe that to your advice. "Keep up the good work!!!"

— John B., Rocklin, CA

Then there’s Novastar Financial (NFI). I recommended shares of this company that invests in mortgage loans in January 2002 when it was trading at $14.07. Since then, NFI’s shares have gone through the roof… up more than 300% to trade at $53.50!

Think for just a moment what just a few deals like these could mean to your net worth.

And now, thanks to this very special offer, you can find out exactly what stocks I feel are destined for the same kinds of big profits… gains of 100%…200%…maybe even 300% or more over the next year or so. And you can discover these stocks for FREE, just for giving my proven Stealth Stock market advisory newsletter a risk-free trial run.

To get your FREE report now, click here...

A Sure, Safe Way to Invest…For Gains of 100%… 200% or More… and Limited Risk!

Let’s face it. The market has recently been no place for the faint of heart. The bear market of the last 3 years has been brutal. The Dow is down roughly 20% in just the last 36 months. The NASDAQ has lost about two-thirds of its value in the same period, dropping from about the 3.800 all the way down to about 1,600. All the other averages have gone in the tank. Millions of investors have lost billions of dollars.

But guess what?

Investors who had access to my picks and tips over the last few years avoided the market bloodbath. Not just that, they posted gains on shares like Immucor and Novastar Financial and other big winners I’ve mentioned.

That’s because I look for — and find — stocks that are flying “below the radar.” These are shares of fast-growing, solid businesses that are overlooked by the big guns and gurus who appear on CNN and who tout their picks in the pages of the nation’s magazines and newspapers. These are shares of public companies most investors never even hear of…until it’s too late, and the big gains have already been made!

And now you can discover these stocks, and buy to lock in big gains, thanks to my proven Stealth Stock advisory newsletter.

But that’s not all.

You also know when to get out of the market. And that means you…

Protect your profits!

You see, I know — just as you do — that it doesn’t do you any good to make big gains if you’re going to give them back in the next market downturn. If you doubt that, just ask any of the millions of investors who made big paper profits in the go-go 90’s just to see their “profits” dissolve when the market headed south — wiping out $7 trillion in market capital in the process.

That’s why I created a proprietary trading strategy that tells me exactly when to get out of the market and to move into cash.

And that is how I was able to tell my followers to get out of stocks on March 27, 2000 — the exact date of the high for the year of the NASDAQ 100…guaranteeing they avoided major losses suffered by most investors.

"Your comments are honest and to the point. Out of the five I take I believe you have the best newsletter on the Web."

— Robert H., Sammamish, WA

And that’s how I was able to warn my subscribers that the market was headed for trouble two weeks before “Black Monday” — October 19, 1987, when the Dow took its worst beating since 1929.

In fact, my proprietary indicators have made it possible for my followers – and you could be one, thanks to this special offer — to avoid virtually every major market correction since 1983! And in the period from December 31, 1994 to December 21, 2002, the cumulative return for my aggressive growth portfolio was 254.33% — more than 3 times the 77.60% earned by the NASDAQ during that same period…as verified by the prestigious Hulbert Financial Digest.

And now I’m ready to help investors just like you rake in some big profits, in safety, with 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode. In addition to the educational stock I already mentioned, I’ve identified 4 other companies poised to generate big profits in the coming months — including these two:

  • A residential mortgage lender that has the market in the island of Puerto Rico sewn up tight while it’s expanding its operations into New York City. There’s a lot to like about this overlooked “stealth stock.” It’s margins and return on equity are both huge, while per-share net increased more than 50% this past year.
  • This company makes and sells systems that are used at airports to screen checked passenger bags for explosives. Not just that, this company’s technology stands alone as the only technology that has been certified by the Federal Aviation Administration. Revenues were up a whopping 90% in just the last quarter!

Either of these stocks — or any of the stocks I talk about in my special FREE report 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode — could make you a lot of money…might even make you wealthy!

And you can get your copy FREE OF CHARGE just for taking a risk-free look at my Stealth Stock market advisory newsletter.

A Very Special Offer!

Thanks to this special, on-line offer, you can now receive my Stealth Stock advisory newsletter — and get-that’s right — at a whopping savings of 50% off the regular low price.

And if you advantage of this special offer and click here now you’ll also receive — FREE of any charge — my special report, 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode!

(And remember, my recommendations outperformed the NASDAQ 100 by more than 300% from the end of 1994 through the end of 2002!)

Here’s exactly what you get each month as a Stealth Stock subscriber…

    Market Outlook: My analysis of news, economics, politics, the Fed, the money supply, and technical indicators. This way you know exactly why the market is where it is today — and where it’s heading over the short and long-term.

    Stealth Stock of the Month:
    You get my full research report on the #1 stealth stock I am recommending that month — a company ready to return 50%, 75%, 100% even 200% profits or more.

    12-Month Doublers: My recommended “doublers” — five fast-moving companies I expect to double in price within the next 12 months.

    Watch List: These are my potential stealth stocks. These companies my shortly be added to my portfolio if just one or two more of my indicators fall favorably into place.

    Monthly Portfolio Tracker: We offer five portfolios — income, growth and income, moderate, aggressive, and trading - to fit your investing preferences and meet your financial objectives.

Your subscription also includes free weekly email Market Updates — give you total up-to-the-minute market and stock news that can’t wait between monthly issues. Stop loss orders for all stocks in our portfolios are updated each week in these emails.

But that’s not all. In addition, you’ll also receive — just for taking my Stealth Stock newsletter for a “test drive” – three other valuable bonus reports.

    How to Make a Fortune During the Rebound of 2003 — in this special report, I tell you exactly how to cash in on what I believe will be a powerful (and profitable) bull market!

    Seven Portfolio Building Rules for Volatile Markets — How many stocks should you own? What kind of mix should you have? I answer these and other questions so you know exactly how to structure your stock portfolio for maximum gains…and minimal losses.

    Myths and Misconceptions About Relative Strength — I explain just what relative strength is…and why it’s the most misunderstood of all market indicators. Then I tell you how to use the forecasting tool yourself…for big profits time after time.

If you want to know what stocks to buy TODAY to earn gains of 50%…100%…200% or even more, I urge you to take advantage of this special offer. Click here to get your FREE copy of my special report 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode…and to take advantage of my special offer to become a Stealth Stock newsletter subscriber at half-off the regular fee.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

If, during the first 60 days of your subscription, you are dissatisfied with my Stealth Stock newsletter — for any reason at all — just let me know. I’ll refund the full cost of your subscription, with no questions asked and no hassles. And, of course, you get to keep all your free reports, including the valuable 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode.

To try Stealth Stocks newsletter risk-free…and to get your own copy of my special report — 5 Stealth Stocks Ready to Explode – at no cost at all… simply click here now...


Dennis Slothower, Editor

P.S. Remember, your satisfaction is completely guaranteed for a full 60 days. If, during that period, you’re unhappy for any reason, just let me know. I’ll see to it personally that your money is refunded.

How can I make a guarantee like this? It’s easy. I know you’ll be happy with results like these calls I made so far this year…

  • Nvidia (NVDA) — up 75.2% since March.
  • Usana Health (USNA) — up 84.1% since April!
  • Novastar Financial (NFI) — up 61.2% since mid-March!
  • Shuffle Master (SHFL) — up 31.3 in just 11 weeks!
Money-back guarantees, and refunds. Regularly priced one-year and two-year subscriptions offer limited money-back guarantees. We do not give pro-rated refunds after the applicable guarantee has expired. Some very discounted offers are non-refundable. Please read the promotion carefully.

Please note: All profit examples are hypothetical, assuming that subscribers bought and sold at the time the recommendations were issued. Actual results can and do vary based on day of execution and commission charges.

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past results are not indicative of future returns. Eastman Communications, Inc. and all individuals affiliated with Eastman Communications Inc. assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results.

Eastman Communications, Inc publishes Dennis Slothower’s Stealth Stocks. As a publisher of a financial news magazine of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice. Only a registered broker or investment advisor may advise you individually on the suitability and performance of your portfolio or specific investments.

In making any investment decision, you will rely solely on your own review and examination of the facts and the records relating to such investments. Past performance of our recommendations is not an indication of the future performance. The publisher shall have no liability of whatever nature in respect of any claim, damages, loss or expense arising out of or in connection with the reliance by you, on the contents of this update.

The Editor, Publisher, and directors of Eastman Communications, Inc. flatly promise no front-running. We will not initiate a position in any stock we have recommended for 10 business days before our original recommendation and 10 days after any subsequent recommendation. Any one who does is fired immediately. If you need assistance with customer service, such as questions regarding your subscription or change of address, simply call our staff at 1-718-891-5900 ext. 11, or send an e-mailto:[email protected]