Do You Need Help Managing Your Money?

Dear Friend,

    We all lead busy lives.

    You might be spending a lot of time in your business, or devoting much quality time to your family and friends or maybe even doing a bit of charity work. But how much time are you actually spending on your investments?

    Sure, for many investors the 1990’s were a pretty easy time to make money in the stock market. Just buy, hold and watch your stocks and your net worth soar to the heavens. All that’s changed today as we are living through the worst bear market since the 1930’s and have seen enormous amounts of wealth evaporate.

    The way the stock market has been acting over the past few years requires more diligence and attention than ever before. Trends that used to take months and years to develop now happen in days and weeks.

    That’s why I am writing to you today.

More than just an advisory letter

    I applaud you for subscribing to Stealth Stocks. As editor, I put a lot of thought, time and brain power into writing each and every issue. I spend countless hours researching every stock that goes into my newsletter. For each weekly update I comb the stock market for stealth stocks, those flying below Wall Street’s radar screen, in order to give you the very best advice.

    It is with this in mind that I am making you an offer…

…Let me work for you

    As I travel through the country speaking to many subscribers at various financial conferences and seminars, the feedback I receive from many of you indicates a real interest in a money management service based on the principles of Stealth Stocks. It seems that many subscribers read the newsletter and market updates religiously, but sometimes they don’t act right away on my advice.

    I understand.

    You might be too busy in your daily lives, or on a cruise or sometimes you’re just not able to pull the trigger because the market looks too scary to you. Unfortunately, you may miss the best opportunities that the market has to offer.

    Don’t let this happen to you. Now there’s a way you can put my 24 years as an investor, trader, researcher, and money manager to work for you.

    I personally manage every one of your trades from the day we buy to when it’s time to sell and lock in our profits.

    Join me today by opening a professional money management account according to my investment philosophy and stock recommendations. I will initially offer three types of portfolios.

    The Income Portfolio is dedicated to income with capital appreciation being secondary. For this portfolio I will be looking for stocks offering high dividend yields in addition to solid balance sheets. It will be very similar to the Income portfolio in Stealth Stocks.

    The Growth and Income Portfolio will seek to maximize returns based on strong earnings growth, solid financials and excellent growth prospects. It will be run somewhere between my Growth and Income and Moderate portfolio that I list each month in my newsletter.

    For the Aggressive Portfolio I will buy stocks that have great business models, excellent management and are in the earlier phases of their business cycle. This is the type of portfolio that has the most risk but offers the highest returns.

Not For Everyone

    My normal minimum for managed accounts is $200,000. But if you are a Stealth Stocks subscriber, I am waiving my minimum managed account to $100,000 for a very limited time. The managed accounts have an annual fee of about 2.5% or less, depending on how much you invest. The accounts will be held in your name at Ameritrade so the costs of buying or selling the securities in the accounts are negligible. (Ameritrade generally charges $10.99 per trade.)

    This offer is not for everyone and space is limited. For those of you who prefer to turn over the day-to-day responsibility to someone else, this service is ideal. If this fits your needs, let me know.


Dennis Slothower, Editor
Stealth Stocks

P.S. My indicators are pointing to higher prices for the stock market in 2003. I am quite confident that the stock market will afford us many great trading opportunities over the next twelve months. Don’t forget, if you think a personally management account is right fill in your information below and I will rush you out my money management package.


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